Intensive Behaviour Intervention (IBI)

What is IBI ?
IBI is a type of teaching method which uses Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles and techniques to deliver behavioural treatment by using discrete trial teaching. In terms of ABA, it is a scientific approach to understand the relationship between environment and behaviour. Through understanding, a therapist can use behavioural intervention to assist autistic children to learn and to decrease undesirable behaviour.

Who is IBI for?
IBI is specifically designed for the autism population; however, on an in-depth level, ABA can be used with the mentally disable population.

When should IBI be started 
Younger Autistic children for example, preschool children will benefit more from IBI. Most likely, the gap in different types of skill is not so big between young Autistic children and normally developing children, it can also be related to the fact that older Autistic children are more set in their behaviour and learning style.

What are the characteristics of IBI?

  1. Structured
  2. Intensive (20-40 hours ) per week
  3. Provide by expert therapist
  4. Custom made for each  child, consider the child’s strength, needs and the unique ways of learning
  5. It involves breaking down the skill to be learnt into small steps
  6. It used repetition and rewards system
  7. Edible reinforcement will be temporary and to be removed quickly, leaving verbal praise
  8. Data collection

Where can parents obtain IBI program for their children?

  1. Ontario IBI program for preschooler
  2. Hiring a private service provider (individual or agency)
  3. Privately –run schools and clinics
  4. Home IBI program

Government Funding
The Ontario government is providing funding for IBI program for children with Autistic disorder under the age of six across Ontario.
Each family who qualifies for the program is also given the option of direct funding to purchase IBI services privately or to wait for the Ontario IBI provider for enrollment.

Where are the Ontario IBI providers?
Ministry of Children and Youth Services

Toronto Area Partnership Autism Program:
Surrey Place Centre (Lead Agency)
2 Surrey Place, Toronto, ON M5S 2C2
Tel.: (416) 925-5141
Central East Partnership Autism Program (York Region)
Kinark Child and Family Services (Lead Agency)
500 Hood Road, Suite 200, Markham, ON L3R 9Z3
Tel.: (905) 474-9595 ; Toll Free: 1-800-230-8533

What are the goals of IBI?
The purpose of IBI program is not entirely to teach the autistic child individual skill, but to teach him or her how to learn and to generalize the learned skill into his/her everyday life.
It is to optimize the child’ s functioning so that he/she can develop meaningful relationship with others and ,reduce undesirable behaviour, alleviate deficit in communication, play and relationship.

What is the cost of IBI program?
$50,000 -70,000 per year






  1. 結構化的
  2. 每周密集(20-40小時)
  3. 由專家治療師提供
  4. 為每個孩子度身定做,考慮孩子的力量,需求和獨特的學習方式
  5. 涉及將技能分解成小步驟
  6. 使用重複和獎勵方法
  7. 用食物獎勵將是暫時的,並且要很快去除這方式,以口頭表揚
  8. 數據採集


  • 學齡前兒童的安省IBI計劃
  • 聘請私人服務提供者(個人或機構)
  • 私立學校和診所
  • 家庭IBI計劃
  • 政府資金
  • 安大略省政府正在為安大略省六歲以下患有自閉症兒童的IBI計劃提供資金。
  • 每個有資格參加該計劃的家庭也可以選擇直接資助私下購買IBI服務或等待安大略IBI提供者註冊。


Ministry of Children and Youth Services


2 Surrey Place,Toronto,ON M5S 2C2
500 Hood Road,Suite 200,Markham,ON L3R 9Z3






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